Day One
On Monday 15th of September, our year got on the bus at 7 am to leave for Carlingford. The journey was about two hours long, and because we were traveling on country roads, the service was awful, we couldn't get any YouTube videos to load. I sat beside Laura on the bus and we both realized that we hadn't listened to One Direction in a few months (disgraceful I know) so we decided to have a One Direction jam session which helped pass the time.
We got started in our activities almost straight away after arriving. We sorted out our rooms first and then went straight to the beach to do kayaking. This was one of my least favorite activities if i'm honest, the sea isn't my thing. We did it anyway, Aislinn, Laura and I we're in the same kayak, we weren't very good at it, we ended up miles behind the rest of the group.
Our next activity was Laser tag in the forest. We were dressed in camo-onesies and walked up a mountain with the laser guns in our hands. It felt like we we're in an army but with less of the actually killing people stuff. We then went back to our rooms to have a 2 hour break for dinner, we we're allowed walk around the small town so we decided to go to the sweet shop. We found the 10 cent lollipops, couldn't get any better than that.
Our final activity of the day was "Nightline" I think it was called that anyway... We walked up the same mountain as before at around 7 or 8 when it was getting dark. We arrived and we're told we were going to be blindfolded and that we had to get into a line and hold onto the shoulders of the person in front of you so we wouldn't all get lost. The leaders tried their best to scare us, it didn't work on me they'd have to try a little harder if they wanted to scare me. We then went back to our rooms for the night where we demolished our food stash consisting of Pringles, Terry's Chocolate Orange, 10 cent lollipops and A LOT more.
Day Two
Wake up call was at 7:30 am. Way too early if you ask me. We were woken up by music playing really loud, that music was What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction, even I'm sick of that song now. We had breakfast and went to the beach to do "Canadian Canoeing". There were three canoes boarded together with a wooden plank and some ropes, We all basically had splash wars between each other while we were going out to get to the trampoline, I didn't go on the trampoline in the end but it looked like fun.
Our last activity was the Challenge Course. Each team had to complete as many challenges as possible in two hours. Each challenge awarded gems based on how long your team took to complete the challenge and whether or not you broke any rules. My team completed around 4 challenges and got about 10 gems. We ended up second out of the four teams.
We then packed our stuff and made our way back to Celbridge. Everyone was really tired because we had two very long eventful days. Laura and I passed the time both snapchatting our friend and listening to our favorite band (not One Direction surprisingly) It was a good couple of days.